Friday, February 28, 2014


Have you ever wondered why some of the texts in your drawing are printed in different lineweight?

Here are the questions that arise.
1. Is there any problem with the plotter?
2. Is either each text in BOLD?

If all your answers are None and No respectively and still having the problem,

Here is a guide for the solution.

Investigating an error is a bit annoying. The image from the left side shows the two selected text were almost all the properties are equal and so the last option for many is switching from different
TEXSTYLE to fix the issue.

Here comes AUTOLISP to INVESTIGATE the issue:

Type or `copy and paste` at  the command prompt the following and hit ENTER

(cdr (assoc 10 (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect text: ")))))

then select the text which is having a problem. In my case, the output is
(139.932 223.548 1.0e-005in which this shows the (x,y,z) coordinates. As you will notice z-value is almost zero whereas on the Properties Pallete>Geometry>Position Z it shows plain ZERO.

Now start selecting all the text and replace the value from  Properties Pallete>Geometry>Position Z into 0.00000 or any trailing zeros you wanted.

Enjoy your CAD day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Toggles On and Off the Extension line of a dimension

It has been almost a year since my last post.. :))

Anyways, you can check on my new program which is an App in Autodesk Exchange.

Toggles Extension Line of Dimension Object in AutoCAD

Your comments and suggestions are much appreciated.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Filter Equal Areas

Object selection by filtering equal areas of a circle, ellipse, closed polylines and regions.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Slice a Polyline

Slicing objects are limited to 3D Solids and Regions. here my is extension-Slicing a Polyline.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012